Our Exclusive Client
Lux Space Design
Professional Space Analysis Group For Remodeling

         Why you should work with us:
- At Lux Space Design, We take interior design to the next level given the fact that we have over 20 years of experience in architectural design and Space analysis. So with this fact we are going to interior design from a very deep architectural vision.
- Our expertise lies in showcasing the strengths of your space and in leveling out the weaknesses, if any, in the building design.
- Our dynamic team plans and works extensively from conception to execution, with a keen eye on the finer details that make your space look appealing. Our mission is to understand and bring out the spirit of the place.
- It is only when we are aligned in mind, body and the spaces that we inhabit that we can achieve our full potential – whether that be potential as a human being or realizing the full potential of a designed space. Â
- Lux Space Design taps into the knowledge of our professional team which includes both architects, interior designers and remodelers who come together to help the design be doable and practical. With this rich perspective we boost up the frequency and value of your life & property.
- Lux Space design will make sure that our material selection and design is Doable and Materials are available in the market.   This is very valuable since we make sure your project will get built in a timely manner.Â

We are a design-build company which means we have a team of designers who work very closely with our licensed contractors in house. This makes the whole process very easy for you! Once we come up with a plan, we take away the headache of the design, permit process, material selection and construction process from you. We coordinate the work between our team of licensed carpenters, plumbers and electricians. We also work with your budget and make sure construction costs are streamlined.
Our strength lies in catering to all your home improvement needs with the end result being a peaceful, positive place for you to live.We help design and reconfigure your space, and our work includes guidance on minor home repairs. we provide guidance on paintwork and tile work – also helping procure the material and working with contractors to execute the job. Home improvements also include interior design advice where we offer the opportunity to supplement your existing furniture with a few custom pieces purchased at our end.